
Preventing fraud and money laundering

What is StopCrime?

Unser ziel gegen die Kriminalität

Our goal

We are building an international, independent infrastructure for the defence against fraud and money laundering.

The problem

Fraudsters and money launderers use our payment transaction system. They need accounts to do this. These accounts sometimes function for long periods of time, as the account-holding bank does not notice the misuse. By the time the account can be closed, not only have many payments often been made to it, but the money obtained or laundered is usually also gone.

Our solution

Financial service providers constantly receive indications of fraud and money laundering - from their customers and from their own monitoring systems. If such a transaction is reported to us, we inform the bank holding the account. The bank checks the account and, if there is sufficient suspicion, freezes any existing credit balances and blocks the account.
Teilnehmende Finanzdienstleistern können jede Transaktion gegen gemeldete Konten prüfen. Bei  Treffern kann aufgrund der Warnung die Transaktion genauer untersucht werden.

Advantages for the good guys

1. sender of funds

Funds from fraudulent transactions can be secured more quickly. Ideally, payments are no longer made to accounts where it has been recognised that they are being misused.

2. the institutes involved

Every transaction on a compromised account costs the account-holding bank money. The payments are recalled, have to be processed and reported. Faster closure significantly reduces the workload.

3. coordination and prosecution

Accounts are a limited resource for fraudsters and are traded at high prices on the darknet. If we can close them more quickly, many offences will no longer be profitable for the fraudsters. The exchange of data will make it easier to coordinate measures in cases of suspected money laundering.

The realisation

It's very simple for financial service providers: our participants work on a mutual basis. Register and immediately receive messages from the network of participants.

  • Level 1:

    Become part of the network - we offer a secure environment where you can find the contact details of fraud and money laundering contacts at other institutions.

  • Unser ziel gegen die Kriminalität

    Level 2:

    When conspicuous accounts are reported, the account-holding bank is informed and at the same time you can notify us of the money recall. We speed up the process and reduce the amount of paperwork.

  • Level 3:

    Check incoming and outgoing payments against the list of suspicious accounts via our API. You receive the answer in real time. The solution includes high-risk omnibus accounts. Protect yourself and your customers!

Do you have any questions?
